Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Yesterday I welcomed a new addition into the household, internet! So I guess I have no excuse anymore for slacking off on this blog. It's pretty slow, and expensive, but I think it'll be worth it. It may even mean I can Skype from home, which'd be nice.

The new volunteers were up here just last week visiting their newly assigned posts. I got to meet everyone coming to the Northwest and I can't complain. Everyone seems great and I am even getting a postmate, Jacqueline, an older woman who will be teaching at the local university. The dynamic is sure to change a lot with all the new personalities, but I wouldn't mind a little change. It's funny, I feel like a senior (well sophomore I guess) anticipating the new fish.

On Monday, the US Ambassador was actually honored at the palace in my village. It's sort of born out of strange circumstances, but basically she is an honorary "Mother of the Fon (Chief)" in Bambui. Essentially her driver is from my village and over her years here she ended up visiting and Cameroonians being what they are went nuts and handed her the key to the village. She plays a long pretty well though, and since her service is closing soon they decided to throw a big party. Suddenly I was a celebrity too and was invited to join the Ambassador's party. I was even honored with a new country bag, which took the place of the tattered one I'm known to wear around town, much to the delight of the crowd.

Work is still crawling along, though I can't say it's not my fault. It's been difficult to get motivated after all the bumps I've hit recently. I have so many projects just up in the air right now and I'm not really sure where to focus. I've told myself I just need a vacation, but that probably means a vacation within Cameroon, when what I really need is a walk down the lakefront and a slice of deep dish. Guess I'll just have to settle for a scuzy beach and some grilled fish.

Oh and new pictures should be up soon, so stay tuned.